We will begin a Season of Prayer and Sacrifice on Ash Wednesday, February 14. Ash Wednesday (Maundy) begins the Lent Season and, it goes through Thursday, March 28. For our purposes, we will recognize a season of sacrifice from Wednesday, February 14 -  Sunday, March 31 (Resurrection Sunday).
Sundays will be our day of rest. 
Please sit with God to determine what this season of sacrifice will look like for you. He may lead you to a fast. He may lead you to give up social media. He may lead you to a financial fast. Wherever He leads you,  our prayer is that you will be disciplined and consistent and that you will fill that space with God. 
  1. Daily Prayer at 6am: February 14 - March 31... Monday-Saturday. Dial In: 774.267.4192 
  2. Season of Sacrifice: February 14 - Saturday, March 30
  3. Ending the season corporately on Sunday, March 31, at 6 am on the prayer call

As a church, we are rediscovering God through a season of fasting and prayer. The basic principle of fasting is to give up something important to help remind us of our dependence on God and to refocus our prayers. Since “two are better than one,” we will walk this journey together. Simple obedience and next steps are the goal, not perfection. We believe most people grow by making commitments. Our desire is to support you through this. Completing this form allows us to pray for you.

This form is no longer available. It was closed for further submissions on 03/31/2024.
