To “rebuild the walls” that are down in our community through targeted and focused initiatives.

The Wall of Education

The education system in our community is broken. We can change the situation in our communities when we are intentional about developing the minds of the next generation holistically. This must go beyond spiritual development and move to include the development of the next generation mentally, socially, emotionally, and financially. We can rebuild the wall and give those coming behind us the opportunity to have a better runway to a successful life.

The Wall of Engagement

The family unit and “village” mindset that once led us to relative prosperity and unity has been broken. We can change this situation by creating intentional programming meant to bring connectivity in the home and community. We can help strengthen families in every way to allow for a stronger community.

The Wall of Economics

The financial wall is broken. Access to wealth is limited to people in our community due to a lack of opportunity for jobs that pay above minimum wage, inability to gain funds to start businesses, and low credit scores. By changing the financial situations of the individuals in the community and building wealth, and creating opportunities within the community, we radically transform the community.

The Wall of Equality

The justice system is broken. Innocence and guilt is more than likely determined by resources and education. Additionally, we must be more intentional and involved in deciding and dictating who will be elected to represent the best interests of our community. We can help create a fair society.

The Wall of Entertainment

The wall of entertainment is broken. Content influences and dictates culture. What floods the airwaves shapes beliefs. We have the responsibility to release positive content that shapes the culture of our community.

