Antioch Fellowship Church is excited to celebrate 38 years of powerful ministry, and we want you to be part of this incredible journey! Throughout September, we’ve lined up an inspiring series of services with dynamic guest speakers who will uplift your spirit and deepen your faith.

Sunday, September 1: Pastor Chris Wesley - Antioch Church, Dallas, TX

Sunday, September 8: Dr. Nicole Massie Martin - SoulFire International Ministries, Baltimore, MD

Sunday, September 15: Dr. Elaine Flake - The Greater Allen A.M.E. Cathedral of New York, Jamaica, NY

Sunday, September 22: Pastor Jimmy C. Baldwin, Sr. - Shiloh Christian Community Church, Baltimore, MD

Sunday, September 29: Pastor Reginald W. Sharpe Jr. - Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church, Chicago, IL

Also, we will all worship together during our 10 AM Experience of Worship in September. We'll resume our 7:30 experience in October. We look forward to celebrating with you. 


Then, on Monday, September 23 & Tuesday, September 24, nightly at 7 pm, join us for our annual Fall Revival. It's a double dose of power with Pastor Jimmy C. Baldwin, Sr. from the Shiloh Christian Community Church. Prepare for an uplifting experience right here in our church walls! 

Finally, on Wednesday, September 25, we have a special treat. We will hear an inspiring word from a renowned pastor, The Reverend Dr. Marcus D. Cosby, of the historic Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church in Houston, TX. But that’s not all we have in store; we would also love to invite all our leaders who serve here in ministry to support us as we take the time to commission all our leaders in ministry. So please join us for this ordination service as we welcome those who dedicate their lives to serving our church family. 
